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Wholistic Biblical Wellness Education and Community site!
TORSOE Ministry Hosts Three Livestreams via ZOOM
You can click the “JOIN LIVE STREAM NOW” button below to join any of the livestreams at the appointed times. Our Worship and Wellness Lifestream aires at 6:00 am Eastern time daily. Zoom cameras are automatically turned off during this livestream. Our weekly Sabbath Church Service streams at 12:30 Eastern time every Saturday (Sabbath). Our Wholistic Biblical Wellness livestream aires whenever God gives us a message related to health and health education. We will announce these livestreams ahead of time so people can attend. Â
All of our livestreams are posted on their respective blogs. Some may also be posted on Youtube, Vimeo, Facebook, and / or other online video hosting services. Also, this page will let you know if we have to cancel or change the times of any livestream. Please sign up for email or text message notification via WhatsApp. More information related to our three livestreams can accessed in the links below.
Each of these livestreams are archived on their respective pages. Â
The Wholistic Biblical Wellness livestream on this website contains educational information and announcements pertinent to wellness, medical missionary education, and how to navigate this community website. Most of our content is open to everyone. However, some portions of our podcast content are only available to community members and / or students taking certain classes. The address (URL) of this livestream page is
We also provide links to our daily Worship and Wellness livestream and our TORSOE Church services livestream.  The address (URL) of our daily, Worship and Wellness livestream is Finally, the address (URL) of our church services livestream is