Phone: 855-867-4600                                                                                                                              Email: [email protected]                                                        Address: TORSOE Ministry PO Box 208 Curtisville, PA. 15032

Times of Refreshing Simplicity of Eden Ministry

Education | Restoration | Conservation

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Contact Us

You will find answers to common questions on our Frequently Asked Questions page.  If you need our help, we are here to help you.  You can submit your inquiry using our message form below.  We strive to respond within 24 hours to inquiries submitted Sunday – Thursday.  Other weekend inquiries will be addressed the following Monday.  You can also call, text or email our support team.

Our Toll Free US Office Number is 855-867-4600

International Call Office Number is 770-213-7388

Texting and WhatsApp Number is 706-897-8537

Send general email inquiries to [email protected]

Email Pastor Shelem Flemons at [email protected]