Principalities, Powers, Rulers of the Darkness of this World and Spiritual Wickedness in High Places
Explained like never before, Pastor Flemons unmasks Satan’s four step strategy to ultimately claim his victims. We can overcome as we understand Satan’s strategy and depend on Christ for victory.
Abomination of Desolation Part 4 – Aired November 27, 2021
Part 5 of the Abomination of Desolation shows how the Abominations of the church are driving Christ away in the Advent Movement
Abomination of Desolation Part 3 – Aired November 20, 2021
Part 3 of the Abomination of Desolation shows how the Abominations of the church drove Christ away as the Roman Catholic Church came to power
Abomination of Desolation Part 2 – Aired November 13, 2021.
The Abomination of Desolation always refers to the church. Part 2 shows how the Abomination of Desolation referred to the Jewish Church and how their great sin of killing Christ resulted in the destruction of Jerusalem.
Abomination of Desolation Part 1 – Aired November 6, 2021.
This is part 1 in our series. This series covers the Abominations that permanently drive Christ away from us. It covers Daniel 11 and shows how it applies to us today. The Abomination that drives Christ away applies to the nation, the church and our own heart. You won’t want to miss this inspiring series.
The Worship and Wellness Broadcast aires every morning at 5:45 am Eastern time. This broadcast goes far beyond the scope of Biblical Wellness and covers major Bible prophecies, doctrines and principles. For those who want to learn more about these advance Bible teachings, visit our worship and wellness website at
For those who attend our wellness retreat or our student internship program, we offer daily worship services at our wellness retreat. These services do not focus on distinctive doctrines or end-time prophecies. When people are sick, they need need to understand the importance of Biblical wellness. They also need encouragement and spiritual refreshment. These are the themes presented in our campus worship services during our retreats. For those who come to our retreat and want separate Bible studies, we try to make ourselves available to meet those needs.
There are resource pages that we include in this section of our site that explain Biblical Wellness, and offer encouragement and promises to the sick and those challenged by relationship problems. We also have resources that explain why our Friday evening and Saturday schedules are different.
Pastor Shelem Flemons serves as the senior pastor and chaplain at the retreat. We also have other pastoral staff including Sister Maria Flemons that are present to help you with instruction, encouragement and prayer as the needs arise.