True restoration includes physical, mental and spiritual well-being. The foundational principles of true restoration are found in the Bible.
According to scriptural principles, disease is the result of an overload of impurities, and an imbalanced system. This toxic, out of balance system is the primary cause of diabetes, arthritis, heart disease, lupus, cancer and every other chronic disease from which we suffer. Four components are desperately needed in order to recover from disease. First, the body needs a thorough cleansing of its eliminative organs and channels. Secondly, the system needs to be rebalanced as disease causes imbalances. Thirdly, a healthy life-style including a whole-food, plant-based diet is essential to healing and prevention. Finally, natural and rational remedies which do not tax or debilitate the system should be our primary medicine.
There are several channels which eliminate wastes. These include the colon, liver, kidneys, skin, an and lungs, as well as the lymph and blood. As these eliminative channels are relieved of their undo burdens brought on primarily by poor life-style choices, and the body is re-balanced and nourished, health is restored by the power of God. God can and will restore all to health if He is glorified by the recovery. He declared that His primary method of working is with the simple things of nature which do not harm the system. The use of cleansing, rebalancing, a healthy life-style, and natural remedies are the major components of TORSOE’s refreshing, Edenic wellness plan that is the best kept secret in health care.
At TORSOE, we believe that prevention is better than cure. Therefore, we teach health principles from the Bible, educating people in the therapeutic value and application of the refreshing way to wellness as an integral part of the prevention and cure of disease.
Thousands today are reconsidering the less than desirable side-effects of some conventional therapies in favor of a more natural and rational, life-style approaches to recovery. They realize that, if true healing is to take place, they must reverse the cause of disease, obey the laws of life that God has established, and place their trust in God for healing.
We have a ten point healthy life-style called the REFRESHING way. Here are the components of this quintessential wellness plan.
R ely on God
E at Healthy
F resh Air
R est
S elf Control
H 2O (Drink Water)
I n the Sun
N ever Give Up
G ive To Others
These and other wellness principles are promoted by our ministry in a variety of ways that form the various areas of ministry outreach.