Estrogen Menopause Relief Herbal Extract
Therefore, God designed that the adrenal glands would continue their production of estrogen. This estrogen output is sufficient to eliminate “menopausal symptoms” if the adrenal glands are functioning properly. However, due to excessive stress, eating too much sugar, caffeine, and refined foods, the adrenal glands are fatigued and not able to adequately perform their function of estrogen production. Eating too much sugar and refined foods raises the blood sugar too quickly. The result is that the pancreas dumps large amounts of insulin into the bloodstream. This drops the sugar too low. The adrenal glands then have to work overtime to raise the sugar. This constant stress on the adrenals along with other stressors, decreases their ability to make estrogen. The result is that when a woman reaches menopausal age, she does not have enough estrogen and menopausal symptoms are the result. It is important to follow the REFRESHING Way lifestyle in order to maintain hormonal health.
You may also want to consider the Adrenal Support Herbal Extract, the AAA Supertonic Superfood, and the Isotonic Flush to provide minerals to help nourish and balance your hormonal health.