Phone: 770-217-7388                                                                                                                             Email: [email protected]                                                        Address: TORSOE Ministry PO Box 208 Curtisville, PA. 15032

Online School

Online School

The TORSOE Biblical Wellness Institute Online School

Our online school will offer several courses in Biblical Wellness.  Our goal is to equip and certify our students so that they will be able to be competent and confident as they minister to others as medical missionaries.  As more courses are developed, students will eventually be certified up to the level of a Doctor of Biblical Wellness.

Most of our individual health courses thoroughly cover a  specific disease.  Students gain Biblical and medical knowlege about the disease. They learn the true cause of the disease.  They learn how to prevent the condition.  They also learn how the condition  can be cured with natural remedies, cleansing, life-style change and reliance upon God.

 After successfully completing the course work for a specific disease, the student receives a certification from the TORSOE Biblical Wellness Institute authorizing the student to minister with that certification, showing that they are competent in cooperating with God in the healing of the sick.  For example, after completing a course in breast cancer, a student would be certified as a  wellness coach specializing in breast cancer.  The same would be for diabetes, hypertension, etc.

The lessons contain a combination of written material, illustrations and video content to keep the student engaged. There will be various higher level certifications that can be acheived after completing a certain number of courses. If you sign up to receive text and or email notification, you will be notified as soon as a new course rolls of the press.    In addition to health courses, there will be Bible courses offered in our school as well as other practical courses to prepare the student to be a medical missionary and operate a ministry entrusted to them.

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